Job Location: | Kabul |
Nationality: | National |
Category: | Health Care |
Employment Type: | Full Time |
Salary: | As per organization salary scale |
Vacancy Number: | V/KBL25Dec |
No. Of Jobs: | 1 |
City: | Kabul Mobile Health Team |
Organization: | AKHS-A (Aga Khan Health Service-Afghanistan) |
Years of Experience: | داشتن حداقل ۶ ماه الی یک سال تجربه کاری در بخش مربوطه |
Contract Duration: | Project base |
Gender: | Female |
Education: | ۱۲ پاس که سند فراغت تاییدشده کورس سه ماهه واکسین داشته باشد یا نرس ، قابله باداشتن سند تعلیمات متوسط طبی از انستيتوت علوم صحی نرسنگ ویا قابلگی کسانیکه دربخش واکسین تجربه داشته باشد ارجحیت داده میشود |
Close date: | 2025-01-08 |
Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) is one of the most comprehensive private, not‐for‐profit health care systems in the developing world with community health programs in large geographical areas in Central and South Asia, as well as in East Africa.
The Aga Khan Health Services, Afghanistan (AKHS, A) was established in 2003 as part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). AKHS, A provides health care services mainly on behalf of the government including the Ministry of Public Health’s of Afghanistan’s Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS). AKHS, A is unique both in scale and scope, delivering critical health services along the continuum of care, from Community Health Workers (CHWs) to ISO certified hospital facilities.
Since 2003 AKHS, A is implementing Healthcare services in Bamyan, Baghlan and Badakhshan provinces. The agency’s scope of work includes the provision of primary and secondary Healthcare, Preventive and curative medical care, Nursing and Midwifery education, Human Resources Development and Hospital Management. The current working modality and role of AKHS, A in Bamyan and Badakhshan provinces as BPHS and EPHS implementer. AKHS, A provides technical support as well as capacity building of health personnel, immunization services, nutrition trainings and the training of Community Health Nurses and Community Health Midwifery.
AKHS, A tapped into internal and other donor fundings to continue supplementary and complementary supports to the national health system. Moreover, AKHS, A scale up AKDN innovations, including, expansions of e-Health services, e-learning initiatives, and cross border arrangements. To promote healthy environment, AKHS, A is implementing net zero and greenhouse gas emission.
مسوولیت های عمده:
تطبیق منظم واکسین به خانم ها واطفال واجد شرایط در مرکز ثابت ، اوټریچ و ساحات که ازقبل برای تیم مبایل تعین شده
اداره وکنترول روزانه درجه حرارت واکسین.
داشتن حاضری منظم وسیستم راپوردهی منظم وبوقت.
حفظ ونگهبانی تمام سامان وآلات مربوط به تیم سیار صحی
تشریح فعالیت ها:
رویه خوب با مراجعین.
در نظر داشتن شرایط زرقیات مصون در زمان (%100) تطبیق واکسین.
.Safety boxجابجا نمودن سوزن و سرنج و مستعمله
ارائه تبلیغات صحی در مورد اهمیت واکسین و تاکید جهت نگهداشت درست کارت واکسین به مراجعین.
کنترول روزانه درجه حرارت واکسین ها و ثبت نمودن آن در ورق، ثبت درجه حرارت در شروع و ختم
واکسینها.Cold Chine دقیقا مراعت نمودن و مواظب بودن
های مربوطه. Tally sheet ثبت نمودن واکسین های تطبیق شده در راجسترها و
آماده نمودن و تسلیم دهی راپورهای ماهوار به وقت معین به سوپروایزر مربوطه.
تلاش جاری جهت بلند بردن سطح دانش مسلکی خود.
مراعات نمودن نظافت اطاق مربوطه وترتیب وتنظیم درست آن.
-جلوگیری از ضایعات واکسین، کاهش دادن غیر حاضران با کار مؤثر و منظم ساختن سپلای واکسین از ازکلینک مربوطه و یا دفتر معافیت کتلوی.
سهم فعال در روز های ملی واکسیناسیون و راپوردهی واقعات فلج، شل، حاد به مراجع زیربط.
مراجع مشوره دهنده و نظارت کننده:
نماينده رياست صحت عامه
نماينده موسسه خيريه مربوطه
ریاست هماهنګی امورصحی کوچی ها
نماینده معافیت کتلوی
آمر مرکز صحی
ا وقات كا ر:
شش روز در هفته به استثناي رخصتي هاي ملی (مطابق تقسيم اوقات رسمي) .
- ] تقسیم اوقات کاری روزانه مطابق فصل های سال ،رهنمودات و پالیسی دفتر خدمات صحی آقا خان.
ممنوعیت ها:
اظهار نظر نمودن یا نمایندگی کردن از دفتر خدمات صحی آقا خان بدون موافقه شخص مسوول.
استفاده از ملکیت یادارائی دفتر خدمات صحی آقا خان به منظور شخصی.
استفاده ادویه مخدره یا الکول در داخل مرکز صحی.
سایر ممنوعیت ها کاملاً در قانون باجزای انظباتی قید شده اند.
عمل نمودن.EPI خلاف پالیسی
Qualified applicants who are exactly suitable with the above criteria are requested to send their applications + CVs through this link:
Note: Applications are reviewed on active bases and after receiving sufficient eligible applications we may process the position before closing date.
Aga Khan Health Service, Afghanistan strives to promote diversity as well as provide an equal employment opportunity to each candidate, regardless of age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, language, marital status, origin, political affiliation, religion, sex, or social statuses.
Aga khan Health Service- Afghanistan is an equal opportunities employer. Female are encouraged to apply.
AKHS is concerned about the climate and environmental crises we face and is doing everything possible to reduce our own impact, encouraging others to do the same, and advancing understanding in this field. AKHS has set itself the task of getting as close to net-zero carbon operations as possible by 2030. We expect all staff to contribute to achieving these aims in the context of their roles. We encourage applicants with previous experience or an interest in this field to app.
(AKHS, A enforces a zero-tolerance stance towards behaviors inconsistent with the goals of AKDN and AKHS, A, encompassing sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, authority abuse, and discrimination. The organization is committed to stringent child safeguarding principles. Successful candidates are required to align with these standards, undergoing thorough reference and background assessments, which involve validating academic credentials and employment history. Additional information may be requested for a comprehensive background check.)
“AKHS, A is an equal employment opportunity organization, and with the mandate of transparent, open, and fair recruitment process. Any follow up during the recruitment process by the applicant/candidate can disqualify the querier”.