9 days ago

Community Mobilizer


Position Title: Community Mobilizer

2025-03-12    Kapisa     Full Time     212

Job Location: Kapisa
Nationality: Afghan
Category: Consultant
Employment Type: Full Time
Salary: As per organization salary scale
Vacancy Number: VAC-24784
No. Of Jobs: 2
City: Nijrab District
Organization: CTG
Years of Experience: Experience in community mobilization and experience in implementation of community-based projects, shelter projects.
Contract Duration: 8 Months
Gender: Male/Female
Education: A School graduation with minimum 3 years’ relevant experience in social mobilization and community development programs with displaced Afghans Experience, bachelor’s degree in social sciences is preferrable.
Close date: 2025-03-12

About CTG:

CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.

CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.

Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.

Visit www.ctg.org to find out more

Job Descriptions:

Organizational Setting:

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities. The UN-Habitat Afghanistan country office is part of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP). The position is located in Kabul provinces, Afghanistan.

Learning from the experience in the last 30 years and recognizing the realities of the current context in the country, UN-Habitat in Afghanistan designs and implements projects in settlements of all sizes, putting the needs of people first, targeting the most vulnerable and meeting local needs by focusing on area-based and community-driven outputs. The portfolio currently covers projects ranging from humanitarian responses to supporting recovery and meeting basic human needs. UN-Habitat collaborates closely with the UN country team as well as with technical and financial partners in Afghanistan, in alignment with the UN Strategic Framework for Afghanistan (UNSFA) and the Humanitarian Needs and Response Plans (HRNP).

Afghanistan is experiencing a continuous humanitarian crisis, with over half a million people in the need of humanitarian assistance. Many people are displaced due to climate change, internal displacement or massive returns from neighbouring countries, and many have sought refuge in the relative safety of cities, which are growing rapidly. The number of people living in unplanned, underserviced and informal settlements, including in risk prone areas, is increasing and living conditions as well as access to services is inadequate. The unfolding crisis in Afghan cities, which is accelerated by climate change impacts and natural disasters, is occurring in a context of underlying vulnerabilities, including infrastructure deficits, insecure livelihoods and pervasive tenure insecurity. Most at risk are displaced people in informal settlements, with women, disabled and ethnic minorities being particularly vulnerable.

UN-Habitat applies a participatory and community-driven approach, using participatory spatial planning and action planning processes to enable communities to identify and implement priority service and infrastructure investments to support their socioeconomic recovery processes and creating an enabling environment for durable solutions. UN-Habitat's community-cantered “People's Process” is a proven and effective approach to reduce vulnerability at scale in the Afghan context. UN-Habitat builds upon its long tradition of partnering with communities in informal settlements to create sustainable and safe settlements, improve living conditions and adequate livelihood opportunities to those most in need.

Organizational Setting:

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities. The UN-Habitat Afghanistan country office is part of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP). The position is located in Kabul provinces, Afghanistan.

Learning from the experience in the last 30 years and recognizing the realities of the current context in the country, UN-Habitat in Afghanistan designs and implements projects in settlements of all sizes, putting the needs of people first, targeting the most vulnerable and meeting local needs by focusing on area-based and community-driven outputs. The portfolio currently covers projects ranging from humanitarian responses to supporting recovery and meeting basic human needs. UN-Habitat collaborates closely with the UN country team as well as with technical and financial partners in Afghanistan, in alignment with the UN Strategic Framework for Afghanistan (UNSFA) and the Humanitarian Needs and Response Plans (HRNP).

Afghanistan is experiencing a continuous humanitarian crisis, with over half a million people in the need of humanitarian assistance. Many people are displaced due to climate change, internal displacement or massive returns from neighbouring countries, and many have sought refuge in the relative safety of cities, which are growing rapidly. The number of people living in unplanned, underserviced and informal settlements, including in risk prone areas, is increasing and living conditions as well as access to services is inadequate. The unfolding crisis in Afghan cities, which is accelerated by climate change impacts and natural disasters, is occurring in a context of underlying vulnerabilities, including infrastructure deficits, insecure livelihoods and pervasive tenure insecurity. Most at risk are displaced people in informal settlements, with women, disabled and ethnic minorities being particularly vulnerable.

UN-Habitat applies a participatory and community-driven approach, using participatory spatial planning and action planning processes to enable communities to identify and implement priority service and infrastructure investments to support their socioeconomic recovery processes and creating an enabling environment for durable solutions. UN-Habitat's community-cantered “People's Process” is a proven and effective approach to reduce vulnerability at scale in the Afghan context. UN-Habitat builds upon its long tradition of partnering with communities in informal settlements to create sustainable and safe settlements, improve living conditions and adequate livelihood opportunities to those most in need.

About the Project:

Over 6.6 million people need shelter and NFI assistance in Afghanistan (HNRP 2024). In Kapisa, floods have displaced numerous households with 16 deaths, 4 people injured and 74 to 101 homes destroyed (Shelter Needs and Advocacy Dashboard on Floods and Heavy Rainfall Events, January–June 2024). Provision of the much-needed shelters has only reached to 61% of the planned beneficiaries in central region including Kapisa province (Afghanistan shelter cluster regional monthly update). The need for construction of transitional shelters remains with over 150 permanent shelters needed (UNHCR PARR fact sheet August 2024). The situation is exacerbated by the Afghan forced returnees from Pakistan with an additional 400,000 returns expected in 2024 (HNRP 2024). These situations have increased protection and shelter risks in areas of return, IDP and informal settlements

UN-Habitat is proposing a project called “Provision of Emergency Transitional Shelters to People Affected by Floods and Displacement in Nijrab District of Kapisa Province in Afghanistan Project” with the aim of “improving living conditions of households affected by floods and displacement by proving life-saving emergency assistance. UN-Habitat will also provide women hygiene/dignity kits to 20 vulnerable households with most needy females. The conditional cash modality has been reached in consultation with the communities. Overall, 2,050 people (IDP’s, returnees, and host communities) will directly benefit from the project.


Job Requirements:

Reporting Relationships

The Community Mobilizer will assist the provincial team and the Project Manager in implementing the technical components of the project in Kapisa Province, Nijrab District. This includes developing the work plan, preparing project-related documentation, and coordinating with the project team. The Shelter Engineer will report directly to the Project Officer on a day-to-day basis and will oversee the technical aspects of the AHF-funded project in the designated project areas.


  1. Community Engagement and Mobilization
    • Develop and maintain strong relationships with communities to ensure participation in project activities. Maintain good liaison with the local authorities at the district level, project partners and communities and conduct regular field surveys and assessments; map information and ensure documentation.
    • Sensitize, inform, and mobilize communities regarding the objectives, scope, and expected outcomes of the shelter project to ensure inclusion and transparency. Identify social issues in project areas and provide possible solutions to field teams.
    • Establish effective mechanisms to gather community feedback, addressing grievances and concerns throughout the project implementation stage, ensuring transparency and trust-building.
  2. Beneficiary Identification and Selection
    • Conduct household-level assessments and surveys using tools like KOBO or other digital platforms to identify vulnerable households adversely affected by floods or displacement as needed.
  3. Capacity-Building and Awareness
    • Organize awareness-raising and training sessions to help communities understand disaster risk reduction (DRR), shelter safety, and how to best use the assistance provided.
    • Conduct trainings and workshops with Support of provincial project support assistant and project manager, for local communities and beneficiaries on GBV and SEA  training sessions for beneficiaries on project objective, and project monitoring and ensure they understand the project implementation modality.
  4. Monitoring and Reporting
    • Supervise the distribution of conditional cash for temporary shelter construction, ensuring that the process is transparent and supports the intended beneficiaries.
    • Conduct regular field visits to monitor the progress of the shelter construction, document community participation, and ensure project goals are met on a timely basis.
    • Monitor and ensure that community consultation, meetings, training, demonstration activities, area mapping, community action, hazard mapping plan and capacity building of the community are done on a timely basis as per the agreed standards
    • Provide comprehensive and timely reporting to project managers and field coordinators, including success stories, monitoring updates, and data on community outcomes. These include, weekly monitoring reports based on standard formats for submission to the project support assistant & monthly progress reports on community mobilization and training submission to provincial team leaders.
    • Coordinate with technical teams to implement the project effectively and address community concerns about building safe and sustainable shelters. Support project engineers, architects and project GIS, Urban planner to implement technical aspects of the project as needed.
  5. Ensure Safety and Gender Sensitivity
    • Create a safe and inclusive environment prioritizing vulnerable groups, including women-headed households, in the implementation of the project.
  6. Other Responsibilities
    • Ensure adherence to UN-Habitat operational policies, procedures and standards of conduct
    • Perform any other task assigned by the supervisor(s).

Results expected.

  1. Communities well informed and sensitized to project activities
  2. Coordination mechanisms established with community-based organizations, and project beneficiaries and UN-Habitat colleagues.

Ensure the completion of activities across the project according to their respective work plans


  1. A School graduation with minimum 3 years’ relevant experience in social mobilization and community development programs with displaced Afghans Experience, bachelor’s degree in social sciences is preferrable. 
  2. Language:

Good speaking, reading and writing in Dari and Pashto are required to communicate with staff and beneficiaries. English is one of the Official UN languages which is preferrable for this post.


Experience in community mobilization and experience in implementation of community-based projects, shelter projects.

  1. Other:  

Build support with national counterparts, during the project period; Ensure high-quality and timely achievement of relevant activties and targets; Support capacity development efforts with project partners for the required components; Support UN-Habitat's contribution to multi-stakeholder national coordination and advocacy forums; Support 'learning by doing' capacity development efforts throughout the programme period with programme partners for improving local safety and security, especially for women, youth and marginalised urban groups; Support coordination with other partners’ programmes in target cities

Submission Guidelines:

  • Note: When applying, please rename your CV with your full name (e.g., Ali Ahmad). Otherwise, the system will not accept your CV.
  • توجه: هنگام ارسال درخواست، لطفاً رزومه (سی وی) خود را با نام کاملتان (مثلاً علی احمد) تغییر نام دهید. در غیر این صورت، سیستم رزومه (سی وی) شما را قبول نخواهد کرد
    یادونه: د غوښتنلیک سپارلو پر مهال، مهرباني وکړئ خپل سی وي د خپل بشپړ نوم سره نومول کړئ (لکه، علي احمد). که نه، سیسټم به ستاسو سی وي ونه مني.
  • Click on the link below and then click on ‘Register and Apply if you are not already registered with CTG.
  • Follow the steps to provide your details and register;
  • Provide the information marked in red.
  • Save your profile and upload copies of your qualification and CV.
  • Once your profile is created and saved go to Vacancies tab on the right corner.
  • Click on the vacancy that you want to apply for.
  • Provide your current employment details, date that you are available from and salary expectations.
  • Tick the boxes and click submit.
  • You will see your application under the Application tab
  • Tayo (tayohr.io)

Submission Email:



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