1 month ago

Capacity gap and Stakeholders’ Assessment Consultant

Resilience Environment and Humanitarian Aid Organization (REHA)
(Job has been expired)

Position Title: Capacity gap and Stakeholders’ Assessment Consultant

2024-07-31        Kabul       Part Time        136

Job Location: Kabul
Nationality: National
Category: Consultant
Employment Type: Part Time
Salary: Negotiable
Vacancy Number: REHA-HR-24-009
No. Of Jobs: 1
City: Kabul REHA HQ Office
Organization: Resilience Environment and Humanitarian Aid Organization (REHA)
Years of Experience: At least 5 years
Contract Duration: Short term (4 months)
Gender: Male
Education: Masters or Higher degrees.
Close date: 2024-07-31

About Resilience Environment and Humanitarian Aid Organization (REHA):

Resilience, Environment, and Humanitarian Aid (REHA) is a transformative non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to empowering communities and safeguarding the planet. Officially registered with the Ministry of Economy of Afghanistan, REHA is a specialized entity dedicated to driving positive change in building the resilience.

At the heart of REHA's mission lies a steadfast dedication to environmental protection, climate change resilience and adaptation, and disaster risk reduction. Through a comprehensive and innovative approach, the organization tackles these complex challenges head-on, blending "hard" and "soft" interventions to deliver tangible impact.

REHA's "hard interventions" manifest as robust infrastructure development, cutting-edge engineering solutions, and strategic physical projects that mitigate the effects of climate change and environmental hazards. Complementing these tangible actions, the organization's "soft interventions" empower communities through capacity-building initiatives, knowledge sharing, awareness campaigns, advocacy efforts, and policy development.

At REHA, the future is not something to be merely observed, but actively shaped. Through its groundbreaking initiatives and collaborative partnerships, the organization is fortifying the foundations of a world where resilience, environmental harmony, and humanitarian aid converge to create a brighter, more secure tomorrow for all.

About the Project

REHA is implementing a two year “Engagement and Collaboration for Climate Action (ECCA)” project. The overall goal of the project is to enhance engagement, collaboration and capacities among key stakeholders involved in climate change action in Afghanistan.

Therefore, REHA recruits a qualified technical consultant to take responsibility to carry out capacity gap and stakeholders’ assessment.

Job Descriptions:

REHA is undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the capacities and stakeholders involved in climate change-related activities in the country. The assessment aims to map the key stakeholders, evaluate the existing technical and human resource capacities, and identify the critical gaps that needs to strengthen climate change resilience-building efforts.

The primary objectives of this consultancy are:

  1. To conduct a thorough stakeholder mapping and analysis of the key actors (government, UN, NGOs, and academia, …) involved in climate change-related initiatives in Afghanistan.
  2. To assess the existing technical, and human resource capacities within government agencies, NGOs, and other organizations working on climate change.
  3. To identify the critical capacity gaps and needs across different sectors and levels, including policy, implementation, research, and community engagement.
  4. To understand the government's prioritization of climate change and its willingness to collaborate with NGO and partners.
  5. To provide actionable recommendations for capacity development within relevant stakeholders.

Scope of Work:
The consultant works under the direct supervision and coordination of REHA lead expertise and leadership and will be responsible for the following specific tasks:

  1. Prepare the assignment plan and assessment outline and share it through an orientation session with REHA team.
  2. Develop forms, questionnaires and other required tools and documents to facilitate the assessment, data collection, FGDs, consultations and meetings.
  3. Compile relevant data, information and documents from available sources through REHA and keep record of all compiled documentation.
  4. Desk review of relevant documents, reports, plans, and existing assessments related to climate change in Afghanistan.
  5. Conduct key informant interviews (KII) with representatives from government ministries, NEPA, NGOs, academia, and other stakeholders.
  6. Organize and facilitate focus group discussions with community members, women, and youth to understand their perspectives and needs.
  7. Convene stakeholder consultation workshops to gather feedback on the draft assessment findings and recommendations.
  8. Analyze the collected data and information to produce the following outputs:
    • A comprehensive report detailing the assessment findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
    • A stakeholder mapping and capacity matrix to inform future climate change interventions.
    • Actionable recommendations for capacity development and building resilience at the community level.
  9. Upon completion, the final assessment report is translated into one of the national languages (Dari or Pashto).
  10. Present the final assessment report and findings to REHA and other key stakeholders.


For more information regarding the Terms of Reference (ToR), please open this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17YDmkjDaUym2ke1mLL4JSor0TI9qJsFH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107684411773868726670&rtpof=true&sd=true

Job Requirements:

  • Advanced Master or higher degree in environmental science, climate change, agriculture, engineering, research and development studies, or a related field.
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in conducting capacity assessments, stakeholder analyses, and evaluations in the context of climate change and sustainable development.
  • Proven track record of working with government agencies, NGOs, and community-based organizations in developing countries, preferably in Afghanistan or the region.
  • Excellent research, analytical, and report-writing skills.
  • Strong facilitation and stakeholder engagement skills.
  • Proficiency in English and local languages (Dari and/or Pashto) is highly desirable.
  • Effective coordination and communication skills.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Note (1): Make sure that the CV you are attaching at the end of the form is below 1MB.

    Note (2): Please do not attach any certificates along with your CV.

    Note (3): Only qualified candidates will be short-listed.

    Note (4): Qualified applicants, who are meeting those criteria and skills, highly encouraged to apply through this online form: https://forms.gle/t7RuHF2svzJtkvWk9

  • REHA is committed to promoting diversity as well as ensuring an equal employment opportunity for each applicant candidate, regardless of their age, color, race, religion, disability, gender or ethnicity among others.
  • REHA is committed to ensure equal employment opportunities for both male and female, and we encourage females to apply.
  • REHA has zero-level tolerance towards any type and scale of discrimination including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, corruption and any other misconduct and misbehavior.
  • REHA as an environmental organization strictly adheres to environmental protection principles and makes every effort to ensure its carbon footprint at the least possible level and encourage others as well to respect this policy.
  • REHA is committed towards a transparent, open and fair recruitment process.

Submission Email:

This job has been expired!

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