4 months ago

Project Coordinator


This job is expired

Position Title: Project Coordinator

2024-09-10    Kabul     Full Time     676

Job Location: Kabul
Nationality: National
Category: Program
Employment Type: Full Time
Salary: As per Organization scale
Vacancy Number: PAC.HR_V0013_July_24
No. Of Jobs: 1
City: 14 districts of Kabul
Organization: PACo
Years of Experience: Holding Master degree with 3years’ work experience in same filed or Graduate, degree from recognized University with 5-year experience in same field with I/NGOs
Contract Duration: 5
Gender: Male/Female
Education: Graduate, degree from recognized University
Close date: 2024-09-10

About PACo:

People’s Action for change is a not for profit, non-governmental organization with a mission to work with the poor, excluded and marginalized sections of the society by empowering them to lead a life with dignity. PACo priority objectives includes empowerment of people through community organization and capacity development, promoting rights of women and children, ensuring livelihood options to end hunger and food insecurity and respond to calamities and conflicts through humanitarian assistance. PACo planned to initiate the  Additional financing for Afghanistan Emergency food security  emergency Project in Kabul 9 districts of Kabul .Thus, PACo, planned to recruit  Project Coordinator considering the conditions and requirements stated in this announcement. The interested and competent individuals who meet the set requirements are encouraged to apply.

Job Descriptions:

The project Coordinator is responsible for overall project Coordination and implementation in 11 district of Kabul province, including approaches and process in coordination with project management team, stakeholders and funding partner.

  1. Rapport building

The project Coordinator representing organization intended to build good rapport with;

  • Funding partner: The project Coordinator should enhance the rapport with funding partner in provincial and regional levels, represent organization in coordination and planning events, regular update the progress and achievement, build on experience and expertise during the course of project implementation and facilitate the environment to maximize funding interest for close cooperation and further program expansion.
  • Stakeholders / duty bearer: Facilitate cooperating environment for stakeholders and duty bearer to understand the project overall objective, planned activities and output as well as implementation approach, participating groups and coverage area.
    1. Attend stakeholder coordination meetings, share the update and progress.
    2. Facilitate the stakeholder and duty bearer active participation in the project related events and maximize their support and assistance in planned activities implementation
    3. Keep regular contact with community supporting figure and regular visit from project site and ongoing activities
    4. Proactively take forward to address any issue that potentially cause conflict and or mis understanding with stakeholder in district, provincial and regional level
    5. Ensure all planned activities and intervention has been in prior coordinate and transparent manner
  1. Manage and guide project team for effectively implement
  • Build project staff understanding and consensus on project cycle, objectives, planned activities and expected result.  
  • Build understanding of Project stakeholder on the on PACo mission, project objective and planned activities in provincial and regional levels
  • Lead and manage project operational and implementation plans including clear milestones for activities in coordination project team
  • Train and orient project team on PACo policies, procedure and Identifying capacity building requirements of project staff members.
  • Regularly meet funding partner and stakeholder through regional and provincial level coordination meeting / events.
  • Orient team on context, participating communities’ culture, social norms and sensitivities.
  1. Assure project Implementing in compliance with agreed standards and practices:
  • Design awareness creation measures in the form of; Conducting participatory learning process to assess challenges, opportunities and risks of project implementation.
  • Promote open and democratic processes of decision making through proactive and inclusive participation women
  • Facilitate monthly reporting and planning session / meeting with project team to track the project progress and plan for action.
  • Compile and prepare the project report based on the result and or funding partner designated result-oriented framework
  • Lead and instruct the project team to facilitate processes of community mobilization, beneficiary survey and Identification
  • Orient and train the team including social organizers and trainers, on project field level deliverables particularly on, livelihood, infrastructure and community empowerment activities.
  1. Support PACo and funding partner M&E/MEAL staff in monitoring in compliance with project set indicator and donor guide line and Project Logical frame-work
  • Lead and support project participant identification and selection process
  • Lead and supervise the baseline surveys prior the project implementation initiated
  • Develop precise baseline and analytical report
  • Periodic reviews of the quality and progress of implementing activities based on field and monitoring visits by stakeholder and feedback from the M&E staff.
  • Ensure the accountability mechanism in placed and promote social audit and community review.
  • Systematically capture, document and record lessons from field for shared learning across the organization and with stakeholders and highlight success to measure project effectiveness
  1. lead PACo Engagement with government and sectors at provincial and regional to appraise PACo’s work and feed it into provincial and regional priorities:
  • Representation PACo in Government and sectoral meetings at provincial and regional levels to apprise them of PACo's work to garner support in smooth implementation of projects
  • Attend to stakeholder and funding partner meetings in regional and provincial levels
  • Ensure compliance with humanitarian requirements at the provincial level for effective implementation
  • Closely coordinate with duty bearer and stakeholder to avoid project activities and participant duplication.
  1. Networking and solidarity:
  • Build solidarity across the provincial and regional level networks, cluster, and government agencies to achieve project related advocacy and campaign objectives.
  • Represent PACo in sub-national level dialogues, forums and committees strategically and with management advice.
  • Facilitate building collaborative and cooperative relation with regional cluster and funding agencies for partnership development
  1. Learning and staff development:
  • Provide ongoing coaching and mentoring in the form of ‘learning by doing’ and ‘leading by example’ on program quality, policy and communication senior management in coordination with other key team members.
  • Train staff member prior deploying in to the field on community mobilization, organization, as well as on organization policies and procedure particularly on PSEA , AAP and PACo CRM mechanism
  • Facilitate project completion workshop/meeting in the provincial, document learning from the event
  1. Budge utilization control.
  • Close follow up with finance on effective budget utilization
  • Should have the update on status of budget utilization in monthly base from concerning finance unit.
  • Closely work with head of finance on monthly budget planning and request for budget release.
  • Ensure effective procurement with procurement team and ensure the procurement policy strictly followed and apply in each step of procurement
  • Ensure the project inventory / asset register maintained, updated and shared in regular base with head office
  • Ensure project weekly, monthly and quarterly reports submitted on time based on reporting procedure.
  1. Report and communication.
  • Develop update the management through weekly progress report
  • Develop and submit project monthly progress report
  • Prepare activity / event completion report
  • Develop project final report based prescribed format and capture evidence based success, through case studies

Job Requirements:

  • Holding Master degree with 3years’ work experience in same filed or Graduate, degree from recognized University with 5-year experience in same field with I/NGOs
  • Fluently communicate in English language is must.
  • Able to travel and stay in field and project site
  • Able to work in team
  • Must understood the finance, budget and procurement basic principles
  • Must Afghanistan tax law and its application in procurement
  • Must have proper communication skill and fluently communicate with project stakeholders
  • Must know project cycle management and implementation approaches    
  • Willing to commit to the vision and mission of PACo.

Submission Guidelines:

Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit their applications and CV through bellow email address

Its required to mention the vacancy number and should be added in the subject line of your email

Submission Email:



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