2 days ago

Gender Officer

Afghans Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization (AHADO)

Position Title: Gender Officer

2024-09-25        Nimruz       Full Time        101

Job Location: Nimruz
Nationality: Afghan
Category: Program
Employment Type: Full Time
Salary: Per Organization salary scale
Vacancy Number: AHADO-24-031
No. Of Jobs: 2
City: Zaranj City & All Districts of Nimruz
Organization: Afghans Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization (AHADO)
Years of Experience: • The applicant must have Bachelor Degree is required; • It is required to have a minimum of three years general work experience. • Familiar with the girls education issues, • Familiar with the social and cultural barriers that limit and prevent women a
Contract Duration: 3 months with possibility of extension
Gender: Male/Female
Education: Education: Bachelor’s Degree related field with 3 years’ experience with specific experience in gender related issues and PSEA Policy.
Close date: 2024-09-25

About Afghans Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization (AHADO):

Afghans Humanitarian Aid and Development Organization (AHADO) is a non-government, non-profit humanitarian social welfare organization. AHADO established in October 2013 and registered with Ministry of Economy (MoEc), through license Number 3053. AHADO based in Kandahar and delivered humanitarian and development projects in various regions of the country including southern, central and northern regions. Implemented projects were in various sectors of child protection, community education, gender equity, WASH, health/hygiene, capacity building, livelihood and advocacy. AHADO is committed to the humanitarian principals and is PSEA Signatory, therefore AHADO would strictly  follow all its provisions in its daily operation and apply the considered measurement on the perpetrators.

Job Descriptions:

It’s a fulltime job and the position holder would work six days/week.

Gender Officer will work with the entire project to ensure effective implementation of the gender component in the project activities. The gender officer will ensure the full participation of women and girls in project activities as beneficiaries and employees, proper application of the PSEA Policy and established of functioning GRM to strengthening transparent feedback mechanisms where students, parents, and community members can voice their concerns, suggestions, and satisfaction levels.


Key Responsibilities:  

Under the supervision of project manager, the holder of this position will perform the following specific activities:

  1. Work in close coordination with the project staff, SMSs and Ministry of Education (MoE) local authority to ensure all target girls enrolled to the CBE classes
  2. Advocate for the employment of target female staff and female teachers in the CBE classes.
  3. Conduct field visits and make sure the female School Management Shura’s (FSMSs) established and facilitate female teachers’ employment and girls’ children enrollment in the schools.
  4. Work closely with women and girl beneficiaries to prioritize their needs, coordinate sand address their needs with humanitarian services providers
  5. Make sure the Female School Management Shoura’s (SMSs) are active, fully engaged in the project affairs and received all planned trainings.
  6. Make sure that all capacity building activates e.g. PSEA training, ToTs, awareness sessions, the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) Training for CBE female teachers considered and conducted.  
  7. Present and coordinate, gender issues at relevant provincial and district level meetings.
  8. Develop and implement project gender mainstreaming plan in the provincial level. 
  9. Make sure that all girls’ children enrolled to the CBE with no discrimination based on their ethnic background, or disability status.
  10. Travel to the field and make sure that all required facilities provided for the female teachers and girls student.
  11. Ensure the sound implementation of organizational PSEA Policy that aligned with the UNICEF priorities and procedures.
  12. Make sure that a functioning Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) established in all districts and CBEs, the communities members, parents, students voice their concerns, suggestion and satisfactions levels through a transparent feedback mechanism.
  13. Follow any incidence of SEA case and make sure that any SEA case reported and followed properly.
  14. Follow the survivors and make sure that all available assistances provided to the survivors.
  15. Follow the SEA cases and make sure the complete investigation process applied for each case and the perpetrators’ received the disciplinary measure stipulated in the organization PSEA Policy. 
  16. Establish excellent coordination and communication mechanism with the provincial gender focused organization to synergize efforts toward addressing of the female beneficiaries education and social needs.
  17. Regularly assess the project impacts on the women and girls lives, develop and submit monthly progress report to the provincial project manager.
  18. Prepare monthly and quarterly project gender progress report and share                                                it with the project provincial manager for further process.
  19. Prepare any had-hock report asked by the UNICEF or AHADO management.

Perform any other relevant task as assigned by the project manager.

AHADO commitment on PSEA awareness and  implementation

AHADO has a zero-tolerance policy for (sexual) misconduct. AHADO SEA policy sets minimum standards that must be followed by all employees to protect beneficiaries and members of the community from sexual exploitation and abuse. Furthermore AHADO would follow and apply all provisions of the UNICEF, PSEA and Child Safeguarding Policies. Earlier issuing any contract all candidates must complete the SEA Reference check that include the completion of following steps:

Reference Check for new candidates/employees

The candidates should submit two to three references from his/she former employers and complete the reference check forms Annex 1 to introduce his/her current and former employers for reference check to confirm that the candidate did not commit any ESA and Harassment.

B-Candidates with any committed SEA and harassment back-ground should not be hired.

C- To ensure that the candidate is honest and did not commit any SEA and harassment, AHADO would share the Annex 2, (candidates Reference check table) to be completed by  the candidates references, and based on the provided information, honest candidates who did not commit  any SEA and harassment , should be considered for hiring.  The annexes 1 and 2 would be shared with the final candidates.

Job Requirements:

  • The applicant must have Bachelor Degre
  • It is required to have a minimum of three years general work experience.
  • Familiar with the girls education issues,
  • Familiar with the social and cultural barriers that limits and prevents women and girls access to the social services.
  • Able to travel to all districts of Nimroz Province.

 Sign and agree on the Children Safeguarding and PSEA policies

Submission Guidelines:

All interested applicants must send their application to hr@ahado.org by stating the name of position applied for and VA number  AHADO-24-028 in subject line e.g ( acb, VA AHADO-24-028 or submitted application to AHADO main office in Kandahar to the following address: House no. 00, block, 26, Lane 01, Aino Mina Kandahar City, Kandahar or to AHADO provincial office in Nimroz  Province.

Submission Email:



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