2 months ago

MHPSS Specialist


This job is expired

Position Title: MHPSS Specialist

2024-10-14    Kabul     Full Time     216

Job Location: Kabul
Nationality: National
Category: Health Care
Employment Type: Full Time
Salary: As per the Organization's salary scale
Vacancy Number: PU-AMI/HR/KBL/002475
No. Of Jobs: 1
City: Kabul
Organization: PU-AMI
Years of Experience: • Relevant work experience in mental health, psychosocial support, humanitarian aid, or crisis intervention is often necessary. Experience working in emergency settings, conflict zones, or with vulnerable populations can be beneficial.
Contract Duration: 6 Months (Extendable)
Gender: Male/Female
Education: • bachelor's degree in psychology, social work, counseling, or a related field is often required.
Close date: 2024-10-14

About PU-AMI:

About Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI)

PU-AMI (known globally as Première Urgence Internationale, PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. PU-AMI’s teams are committed to support vulnerable communities and populations, those marginalized, hit by conflict, natural disaster or economic downturns. PU-AMI’s main objective is to contribute to reduction in morbidity and mortality, and provide emergency relief to those in immediate need in order to help them regain their dignity.

Afghan mission is the oldest of PUI missions, with the first medical intervention launched in 1979 just after the Soviet troops crossed the country’s borders. PU-AMI teams currently deliver the integrated health care, combined with nutrition, psychosocial support; water, sanitation and hygiene (wash), as well as trauma services. The organization implements projects mainly in eastern parts of the country, and increasingly in the South-East Region. Since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, PU-AMI has also positioned itself as one of the main actors in preparedness and response to the pandemic, implementing health and wash-cantered activities at health facilities and community level in Kabul and beyond.

Globally, PUI provides assistance to around 6 million people in 23 countries and across 5 continents: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and Europe.


پی یو ای ام آی که در سطح جهان به نام پی یو آی شناخته میشود یک اداره غیردولتی، غیرانتفاعی، غیرسیاسی و غیر مذهبی مدد رسان بین ا لمللی میباشد.

تیم های  پی یو ای ام آی متعهد به حمایت  و کمک جوامع و جمعیت های آسیب پذیر به انهاییکه در اإثر منازعات- حوادث طبیعی و رکود اقتصادی منزوی شده اند میباشد.  هدف عمده پی یو ای ام آی کمک در کاهش مرگ و میر -کمک عاجل به اعاده و بازیابی حیثیت ووقار  انهاییکه در نیاز فوری قرار دارند میباشد.

 ماموریت افغانستان  قدیمی  ترین مآموریت پی یو آی بوده و  با اولین مداخله در بخش صحی در سال1979  فقط درست بعد از عبور نیروهای شوروی از مرز های کشور آغاز شد.

تیم های پی یو ای ام آی در حال حاضر مراقبت های صحی ادغام یافته همراه با تغذیه حمایت روانی اجتماعی-آب-نظافت و حفظ ا لصحه واش و خدمات  تردیدات یا تروما را ارایه میدارد.

 این اداره عمدتآ پروژه ها را در  بخش شرقی کشور و بطور فزاینده در مناطق جنوب شرقی کشور  از زمان شیوع  کرونا در  2020  تطبیق مینماید .

پی یو ای ام آی  همچنین منحیث بازیگر اصلی در آمادگی و پاسخ به بیماری همه گیر – اجرای فعالیت های صحی و واش در سطح مراکز صحی و جامعه در کابل و فراتر از آن موقعیت خود را تثبیت نموده است.

 در سطح جهان موسسه پی یو آی در 23 مملکت  جهان به  6 میلیون نفر  در 5 قاره افریقا- آسیا- شرق میانه- امریکای لاتین و اروپا کمک مینماید.

Job Descriptions:

Responsibilities and particular assignments                                                                                                                           

General responsibilities:

Under the supervision of the Deputy MHPSS Coordinator, and Deputy Area Coordinator for Program the MHPSS specialist will play a pivotal role in supporting the MHPSS Program and project activities. In addition to this, they will be actively involved in enhancing the capacity of PSS staff. The specialist will also contribute to the professional translation and interpretation of psychosocial documents and checklists, facilitate training translation, and be accountable for collecting, analyzing, and reporting MHPSS data and achievements to the Project/Program Team.

Objective 1: Technical Support, Management and Coordination of the PSS activities

1. Technical Support and Managment:

  • Supporting PSS supervisors and providing support to all PSS providers in resolving implementation challenges.
  • Providing expertise and guidance on evidence-based practices, interventions, and methodologies in psychosocial support to enhance the quality and impact of services.
  • Managing the PSS team and activities in the to ensure smooth interventions and service delivery.
  • Offering guidance and support during crises or emergencies to ensure timely and appropriate psychosocial support interventions.
  • Advocating for the importance of psychosocial support, raising awareness, and mobilizing resources to sustain and expand PSS programs.
  • Fostering a culture of continuous learning, reflection, and improvement within the PSS team.
  • Identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities in PSS activities and developing risk management strategies.
  • Promoting self-care practices and well-being strategies among PSS providers and supervisors.
  • Equipping PSS providers and supervisors with conflict resolution skills and techniques.
  • Supporting the development and implementation of tailored psychosocial interventions for target populations.
  • Encouraging innovation and the integration of best practices in psychosocial support.
  • Promoting community participation and engagement in PSS activities.
  • Offering regular supervision and mentoring to PSS providers and supervisors for their professional development.

2. Coordination and support to program:

  • Build partnerships with local organizations, governmental agencies, MHPSS TWG, and community leaders.
  • Support program planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.
  • Conduct routine data collection and program reviews.
  • Collaborate with project managers for logistic planning and arrangements.
  • Establish collaborative relationships with local stakeholders.
  • Coordinate services and referrals with partner agencies.
  • Assist in developing, implementing, and monitoring PSS programs.
  • Support planning, budgeting, and evaluation for program effectiveness and sustainability.

Objective 2: Monitoring and Reporting

  • Ensure accurate documentation and timely reporting of PSS activities, outcomes, challenges, and successes to stakeholders, donors, and relevant authorities to demonstrate accountability and transparency.
  • Establish robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track the progress, outcomes, and impact of PSS activities, using data-driven insights to inform decision-making and program improvements.
  • In close coordination with the M&E officer, enter weekly collective data about PSS activities in specific database
  • Follow up weekly data entry by the PSS teams, and compiling the monthly report.
  • Consolidate weekly data in monthly activity report (PMT)
  • In the absence of the MHPSS Coordinator/ Deputy MHPSS Coordinator, validate the database before sharing it to relevant departments (M&E officer, grants officer, project managers).
  • With the support of the MHPSS Coordinator/ Deputy MHPSS Coordinator, follow the progress, challenges and achievements towards project targets and indicators in PSS activities and inform line manager of any serious challenge in this regard
  • Monitor the implementation of PSS activities on HF-level and within the MHT-project and report accordingly.
  • Provide monthly reports of PSS activities within the MHTs and HF-level to the direct line-manager (MHPSS Coordinator/ Deputy MHPSS Coordinator & Project Managers).

Objective 3: Capacity building and Training

  • Conduct training sessions and workshops to build the capacity of PSS providers and supervisors, ensuring they have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver effective support.
  • Under the supervision of the MHPSS Coordinator/ Deputy MHPSS Coordinator, develop and implement a training plan based on training needs assessment and project objectives.
  • Provide basic technical PSS training and refreshers training for PSS Supervisors, PSS providers and CHWs (on MHT and HF-level) and ensure training needs are met and performance is evaluated.
  • Provide on-job-training for PSS Supervisors regarding clinical strategies, clinical supervision, monitoring and evaluation of PSS activities.
  • Provide adapted basic PSS trainings and information to the health teams (and other concerned departments)
  • Discuss follow up cases with PSS supervisor and PSS providers and provide adapted guidance
  • Follow up referred cases with partner organizations
  • Attend all PSS related trainings given by the MHPSS Coordinator/ Deputy MHPSS Coordinator and other stakeholder
  • Attend the weekly MHPSS supervision/ on job training meeting.
  • Assist with any other related activities as deemed necessary by the expatriate MHPSS Coordinator/ Deputy MHPSS Coordinator.
  • To assist and support the recruitment of the PSS Supervisor and PSS provider, as well as ensure timely performance appraisals of the team, it is essential to establish clear job descriptions outlining roles and responsibilities, conduct thorough screening and interviews to identify suitable candidates and provide necessary training and orientation for new hires.

Objective 4 : Demonstrate strong ethical and professional practice

  • Enhance cross-cultural competence among PSS providers and supervisors to effectively engage with diverse populations, respect cultural differences, and deliver culturally sensitive psychosocial support services.
  • Ensure adherence to ethical guidelines, confidentiality, and cultural sensitivity in all PSS activities to protect the rights and dignity of beneficiaries.
  • Respect beneficiary confidentiality at all times
  • Support and guide on the psychosocial activities ensuring beneficiary’s’ personal safety.
  • Respect and promote PUI Polices and code of conduct
  • Address needs and requests of beneficiaries in a respectful and professional manner
  • Respect and support the core principles of MHPSS Support and Humanitarian Standards, including internal PUI Intervention Framework
  • Ensure and reinforce the quality of all PSS services
  • Mainstream of protection throughout all actions; respect and ensure Do No Harm principle is being respected across all activities.
  • Report to hierarchy any incident or act that causes any harm to beneficiary or to others.

Objective 5: Accountability

  • Support timely, complete and convincing response to feedback complaints as per Program Manager instruction ;
  • Lead technical resolution and suggest strategic adaptation (guidelines, SOP, etc.) based on feedback and complaints, in collaboration with PMs and DACo;
  • Actively participate in Monthly Accountability Meetings ;
  • Adhere to PU-AMI organizational policies (incl. CoC, Child protection policy, anti-fraud and anti-corruption policy, PSEA policy) and report any policy violations, suspicions, or allegations through the whistle-blower mechanism
  • Support investigation based on needs when required in coordination with the relevant regional and National teams.

Job Requirements:

Required Skills and Know-How

Training and Educational Background


  • bachelor's degree in psychology, social work, counseling, or a related field is often required.
  • master's degree or higher in clinical psychology, counseling psychology, social work, or a related discipline is preferred


  • Training on PFA, PM+, trauma-informed care, counselling techniques, interventions for individuals affected by conflict, disasters, or emergencies, and other evidence-based PSS programs (stress management, resilience programs, integrated approach PSS in Nutrition etc)

Professional Experience

  • Humanitarian
  • International
  • Technical


  • Relevant work experience in mental health, psychosocial support, humanitarian aid, or crisis intervention is often necessary. Experience working in emergency settings, conflict zones, or with vulnerable populations can be beneficial.
  • Working experience with International Organizations and/or NGO
  • Experience in Supervision and Management of Psychosocial or Mental Health activities.
  • Technical knowledge and field-experience within the Psychosocial Support domain


  • Prior experience in working in community/social work fields
  • Prior experience in working in relation with Health and/or Protection department, through integrated PSS programs (or related field)

Knowledge & Skills


  • Good clinical skills and good command of PSS principles
  • Good communication and cross-cultural skills
  • Good written and verbal communication skills with beneficiaries, communities and professional partners
  • Knowledge of local areas and community structures
  • Good reporting skills


    • Good knowledge and understanding of protection mainstreaming principles


  • English
  • Dari and/or Pashto


  • Good knowledge of English language, both spoken and written (compulsory).
  • Dari and Pashtu languages (compulsory).


    • Other languages would be an asset.


Office Package


  • Very good computer programs command and skills, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.).

Required Personal Characteristics (fitting into the team, suitability for the job and assignment)

  • Ability to work independently and with a sense of initiative and responsibility
  • Ability to work well with others, individually and in groups.
  • High stress tolerance
  • Diplomatic and open-minded
  • Good analytical skills
  • Problem solving and conflict resolution skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to organize and manage priorities
  • A to work in a stressful environment and visit HF’s in regions and provinces.

Submission Guidelines:

Dear candidates,     

To apply for this vacancy, please use the following link:  


If the link above does not work by clicking on it, please copy and paste it in the browser address bar.  

Make sure to press submit at the end of the application.  

Please note:  

       You are allowed to apply only before the closing date  

Only the candidates who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements will be considered for the longlist  

A maximum of 15 best candidates from the ones who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements (longlist) will be invited for a technical test (shortlist)  

If you are not invited for a technical test within a month’s period of time, please consider that your application was not considered for this vacancy.  

Female Candidates are highly encouraged to Apply

Validated copies of academic certificates/diplomas will be requested only if called for an interview     

Kind regards,     

The PU-AMI HR Team

Submission Email:



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