The Finance Assistant shall be overall responsible for the smooth working of Finance Department in co-ordination with Finance Officer / Dy. CFO. He will assist Finance Officer / Dy. CFO as per directions given & in his absence may also perform the duties of Finance Officer as & when required.
- Budget Related Jobs (Calculation, Verification and Submission to Finance Officer / Dy. CFO)
- To ascertain necessary details on various income / expenses from branches for preparation of Branch wise budget & seek guidance from Finance Officer accordingly.
- To prepare & submit necessary report on daily basis as guided by Finance Officer.
- MIS rlated Jobs (Calculation, Verification and Submission to Dy. CFO / CFO)
- To prepare & submit Daily Branch wise deposit reports & submit the same to Finance Officer for review.
- To attend various trainings as & when deputed by Department.
- To prepare & submit Daily Income/ Expenses report & to submit the same for eview by Finance Officer.
- To update branch wise expenses & submit the same for analytical review by Finance Officer.
- Preparation of project report for new branches as guided by Finance Officer
- To assist Finance Officer as & when required.
- Tax Related Jobs (Calculation, Verification and Submission to Finance Officer)
- Withholding Tax on Salaries / Wages (On monthly basis)
- Withholding Tax on Interest and Islamic Profit Distribution (On quarterly basis)
- Withholding Tax on Rent (On monthly basis)
- Withholding Tax on Agreements & other Payments (On monthly basis).
The Finance Assitant shall be overall responsible for the smooth working of Finance Department in co-ordination with Finance Officer / Dy. CFO. He will assist Finance Officer / Dy. CFO as per directions given & in his absence may also perform the duties of Finance Officer as & when required.
- For Procurement of various items in co-ordination with General Admin & Services / IT / Security Department of the Bank.
- To accompany other colleagues for obtaining quotations for various items required to be purchase in co-ordination with Admin Department.
- To process various expenses vouchers after reviewing the same as to whether the same is in line with Budget or not & to disburse the amount to concerned vendor after reviewed by Finance Officer.
- To obtain necessary documents from vendors & forward the same for tax management purpose as directed by Finance Officer.
- To arrange for disbursements of various payments to vendors as basis recommendations received from Admin / IT / Security Department of Bank after obtaining necessary approval from Finance Officer.
- To co-ordinate with Admin / IT / Security Department for obtaining various contracts / agreements etc as advised by Finance Officer / Dy. CFO / CFO.
- To prepare & submit report on vendor wise payments made to Finance Officer / Dy. CFO / CFO.
- For Fixed Assets Management in co-ordination with General Admin & Services / IT / Security Department of the Bank.
- To obtain quotations for various items of fixed assets required to be purchase in co-ordination with relevant departments.
- Fixed Assets recording in FAMS / ICBS after scrutinising various invoices / quantity of fixed asset purchased etc.
- To generate Asset Tag numbers from FAMS & to submit the same to relevant departments after obtaining necessary approvals.
- To co-ordinate with relevant departments viz GAD / IT / Security Department for carrying out Physical verification of fixed assets.
- To update locations in FAMS for various fixed assets after co-ordinating with Admin / IT / Security
- For Staff payroll process in co-ordination with HR Department.
- To obtain signed copies as well as softcopies of Staff payroll from HR Department.
- To ensure that Staff payroll upload worksheet is updated by HR Department with respect to account numbers, net amount of salary to be credited, Narration etc.
- To co-ordinate with HR Department for smooth uploading of salary in ICBS System.
- To submit the upload worksheet for obtaining necessary approvals.
- To ensure that TIN No. are provided by HR Department for all staffs.
The Finance Assitant shall be overall responsible for the smooth working of Finance Department in co-ordination with Finance Officer / Dy. CFO. He will assist Finance Officer / Dy. CFO as per directions given & in his absence may also perform the duties of Finance Officer as & when required.
- To ensure that Daily Deposit & Daily Cash report are prepared by extracting Branchwise cash position / TB & submitted for review to Finance Officer / Dy. CFO / CFO.
- To ensure that weekly M1 Report is prepared on each Saturday & submitted to DAB after ensuring review by Finance Officer / Dy. CFO / CFO.
- To ensure that monthly DAB reports are prepared & submitted for review to Finance Officer / Dy. CFO / CFO within specified time as advised.
- Necessary co-ordinations with relevant departments are made for gathering necessary information on Monthly / Quarterly DAB Reports.
- To ensure that quarterly DAB Reports are prepared & submitted for review to Finance Officer / Dy. CFO.
- To ensure that reconciliations are done on daily basis for all Nostro accounts (Overseas as well as Local banks).
- To co-ordinate with Operation / Swift Department for ascertaining Bank Statements of various Banks.
- To ensure that reconciliations are done on daily basis for W.U. / Breshna / ATM.
- To co-ordinate with W.U./ ADC / Marketing Department for obtaining necessary information required for Reconciliation.
- To ensure that all reconciliations are submitted for review by Dy. CFO / CFO.
- To ensure that at each month end all reconciliations are printed & hard copies are submitted to Dy. CFO / CFO & after obtaining signatures the same are kept on record for Audit purpose.
- To ensure that Reconciliations are done for Suspense / Sundry / Prepaid accounts etc after co-ordinating with relevant departments.