6 hours ago

Quality Control Engineer for Supporting Afghan girls and boys to access safe schools Project

Afghans Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization (AHADO)

Position Title: Quality Control Engineer for Supporting Afghan girls and boys to access safe schools Project

2025-03-25    Oruzgan     Full Time     249

Job Location: Oruzgan
Nationality: Afghan
Category: Program
Employment Type: Full Time
Salary: Per Organization salary scale
Vacancy Number: AHADO-25-003
No. Of Jobs: 2
City: Tarinkot, Chahar Chino, Khas Urozgan and Chora Districts of Urozgan Province
Organization: Afghans Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization (AHADO)
Years of Experience:  • The applicant must have Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering is required; Master is preferred. • It is required to have a minimum of 5 years work experience in management and implementation of construction projects. • Experiences of M&E tools, methodo
Contract Duration: 4 months with possibility of extension
Gender: Male/Female
Education: Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering with 5 years’ experience with specific experience in Construction Projects Management and implementation.
Close date: 2025-03-25

About Afghans Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization (AHADO):

Afghans Humanitarian Aid and Development Organization (AHADO) is a non-government, non-for- profit humanitarian social welfare organization. AHADO established in October 2013 and registered with Ministry of Economy (MoEc), through license Number 3053. AHADO based in Kandahar and delivered humanitarian and development projects in various regions of the country including southern, central and northern regions. Implemented projects were in various sectors of child protection, community education, gender equity, WASH, health/hygiene, capacity building, livelihood and advocacy. AHADO is committed to the humanitarian principals and is PSEA Signatory; therefore AHADO would strictly follow all its provisions in its daily operation and apply the considered measurement on the SEA perpetrators.

AHADO commitment on PSEA awareness and  implementation

AHADO has a zero-tolerance policy for (sexual) misconduct.

AHADO SEA policy sets minimum standards that must be followed by all employees to protect beneficiaries and members of the community from sexual exploitation and abuse. Furthermore AHADO would follow and apply all provisions of the UNICEF, PSEA and Child Safeguarding Policies,

Earlier issuing any contract all candidates must complete the SEA Reference check that include the completion of following steps:

Reference Check for new candidates/employees

The candidates should submit two to three references from his/she former employers and complete the reference check forms Annex 1 to introduce his/her current and former employers for reference check to confirm that the candidate did not commit any ESA and Harassment.

B-Candidates with any committed SEA and harassment back-ground should not be hired.

C- To ensure that the candidate is honest and did not commit any SEA and harassment, AHADO would share the Annex 2, (candidates Reference check table) to be completed by  the candidates references, and based on the provided information, honest candidates who did not commit  any SEA and harassment , should be considered for hiring.  The annexes 1 and 2 would be shared with the final candidates.

Job Descriptions:

It’s a fulltime job and the position holder would work six days/week. The Quality Control Engineer is responsible for the entire reconstruction process of the seven target schools in the Urozgan Province. The Quality Control Engineer is responsible to closely supervise and monitor the day to day schools rehabilitation activities carry out by the selected construction companies and to make sure that all reconstruction activities is done based on the project bill of quantity and scope of work specified in the project agreement and documents.

The Quality Control Engineer (QCE) make sure that the construction companies supplied all technical engineering equipment’s in the project site that are necessary for the school rehabilitation activities and process, as well as qualified staff deployed and assigned for implementation of  project activities.

QCE ensure that appropriate security and protection precautions considered by the construction companies to safe and protect project staff, communities and environment.

QCE is responsible for sound progress toward re-habilitation of all seven schools in Urozgan Province according to the MoE and UNICEF approved design, with best quality within the allocated budget and timelines. QCE report to the Project Manager (PM) and would work closely with PM, UNICEF provincial and district staff, and Ministry of Education, national, provincial and districts authorities, Schools Management Shuras (SMSs) and communities representatives.


Key Responsibilities:  

Project Planning and Coordination:

  • Participate and attend in all capacity building and orientation sessions conducted by the AHADO and UNICEF.
  • Make sure that all construction companies developed schools rehabilitation plans consistent with the project work plan and timeline specified in the project agreement documents.
  • Make sure that all activities included in the project implementation plan along with appropriate timeline according to the project agreement and scope of work including renovation of the classrooms, construction of WASH and boundary walls, and drill bore wells in targeted schools considered and included in the project implementation plan along with appropriate timeline for each activity.
  • Coordinate the project plan with construction companies to develop their plans accordingly.
  • Manage and closely supervise the construction and social activities of the selected construction companies and make sure that all technical and social specifications considered and applied in rehabilitation of all schools.
  • Ensure that Maliks, Imams, community elders, parents and SMSs engaged in the project affairs, their feedbacks obtained and considered on the whole process of the project from design to submission of the project.
  • Present and coordinate, project activities at education cluster meetings and other relevant provincial conferences and meetings.
  • Make sure that the target schools rehabilitated with best quality and handed over to the MoE and community representatives.

Project Implementation:

  • Responsible for on time rehabilitation of target seven public schools in Urozgan Province according to the approved Bill of Quantity (BoQ) and design within the allocated budget, and timeline. 
  • Manage, supervise, and coordinate school reconstruction activities with MoE provincial and districts and schools levels authorities
  • Make sure that based on the project scope of work School Improvement Plan (SIP) developed in coordination with MoE and community representatives for all seven schools and   all components of schools including classrooms, construction of WASH, boundary walls, drill bore wells and solar systems considered and included in the plan.
  • Make sure that project construction activities specified in the project Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Education (MoE) are implementing properly and project signboards are placed in the project sites according to the signed MoU between AHADO and MoE.
  • Make sure that schools design includes well-placed toilet facilities (safe and private to ensure dignified menstrual hygiene management) that are separate and carefully segregated far enough away for privacy, but not too isolated that can create protection concerns; and is accessible for children with disabilities.
  • Ensure that the construction companies take appropriate security precautions to safe the live of project staff, beneficiaries and environment.
  • Ensure that all reconstruction activities carried out according to the project approved policies and project procedures.


Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Assist in the design of a data collection and management system to generate and analyse data, and accordingly provide feedback to address deviations and ensure high quality of work progress in the target schools project.
  • Conduct regular field visits to monitor and asses all seven schools rehabilitation process and to ensure rehabilitation activities carry out properly by selected construction companies according to the project work plan, and all technical and social specifications considered, respected and applied.
  • Supervise and evaluate the performance of construction companies and accordingly provide feedback for improvement.
  • Make sure sound progress established toward achievement of project indicators and objectives.
  • Assist the community mobilizer in establishment of functioning Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) in all target schools sites, and the communities’ members, parents, students voice their concerns, suggestion and statsfaction levels through a transparent feedback mechanism.
  • Facilitate the monitoring missions of the UNICEF, MoE and other stakeholders to see and visit the schools rehabilitation progress.
  • Visit the project sites, collect reliable and accurate data, analyse the data, address the implementation deviations and assist the achievement of project bench marks and indicators.
  • Make sure that visitor books are present in the all seven schools project sites and visitors record their findings in the visitor books.
  • Ensure that the visitors feedbacks considered and properly addressed



  • Responsible for preparation of technical narrative reports of project activities for the target seven schools in the Urozgan Province.
  • Prepare weekly, monthly and quarterly schools rehabilitation progress reports and submit to the Project Manager (PM).
  • Prepare project success stories and submit the stories to the Project Manager for further process.
  • Prepare any had-hock report asked by the UNICEF or AHADO management.
  • Assist the community mobilizer in following of SEA cases,

Share any incidence of SEA cases with Project Manager and UNICEF for further process. 

Job Requirements:

  • The applicant must have Bachelor Degree in civil engineering; Master is preferred.
  • 5 years Proven experiences in implementation and management of construction projects,
  • Able to travel to all districts of Urozgan Province.
  •  Sign and agree on the Children Safeguarding and PSEA policies

Submission Guidelines:

All interested applicants must send their application to hr@ahado.org by stating name and VA number AHADO-25-001,  in subject line e.g ( Quality Control Engineer, Vacancy # AHADO-25-003 or submitted application to AHADO main office in Kandahar to the following address: District. 11,House no. 1730, block. B, Street 10, Bagh, Aino Mina Kandahar City, Kandahar, or  AHADO Provincial office in Urozgan Province.

Submission Email:



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